Tuesday, September 23, 2008


If you were to rebel against rebelling would it still be rebelling?

I like to watch the second hand on the clock when it makes a peace sign with the other two hands.

I wonder if you can buy a pant.  Not a pair of pants, just a pant.   Then, you could mix and match individual pants to make a unique pair of pants.  Does that make sense?  It does to me....

There ought to be a company that puts it on a t-shirt for every time someone says, "I want that on a t-shirt!"  They'd strike it rich.

Have you ever wanted a pair of glasses that answers a yes/no question about the people around you?  For example, everyone with green underwear or Led Zeppelin on their iPod would turn red or have a star over their head or something.  I think about that all the time.  Goes to show how morbidly curious I can be.

I just typed 'something' as 'somwthing' twice back there.  Sort of like how I always type in 'photobucker' instead of 'photobucket'. (<-- I just did it there, too.  Yay for the delete key.)  And then the peppy Did you mean...? feature comes up and saves us all.  Every time.

Even when the public is exposed to raw hard facts they fail to listen.  Skin cancer and wrinkles?  I'd rather have a nice tan.  Lung cancer?  But cigarettes are so glamourous when smoked just so.  The same goes for lots of things.  I wonder if in the future people will be able to grasp the long-term effects of things and act upon it.

Ah, the future...

It's pretty entertaining to look at what people back in the day thought the future would be.  A completely robotic kitchen.  Nutrition pills for dinner.  Nifty jet packs.  All the 'futuristic' fashions.  Vacations to the moon.  All that jazz.  But here we are at the drive-thru, sporting Levi's, packed into the Suburban.  Who would have thunk it.

I bet there are aliens watching us right now, but not making their presence know.  I have to say, in the current state of things, the human race wouldn't look too impressing.  Putting murderers to death while paying our people to blow up their people over seas.  Exploiting the resources, yet still driving Hummers penalty-free.  Children starving a couple cities away, while we pick up a $675 Gucci clutch online (I'm not joking about that price, by the way).  The way the world is rigged is pretty mind-blowing.  

Then, there's the utopia vs. dystopia factor.  Will we have a peaceful world where all are equal, or one full of dark violence and book-burning?  Or maybe, we won't hit either extreme but just continue to squirm in the middle.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blogging along...

The concept of blogging is really pretty cool, so I thought I'd give it a go.