I'm preparing to go away to college soon (yikes, I know) and have acquired a much-coveted red stapler for this purpose. It's pretty divine, and I'm looking forward to sharing a desk with it in the near future.
In other news, I got four vaccines the other day. My arms are still somewhat sore, but it's nothing too bad. My family and I just finished rewatching the entire Star Wars saga for the umpteenth time. It was a multi-night endeavor and smashing good fun, as always. I've also been watching a lot of Star Trek lately since it's now readily available via instant play. I'm mostly watching the original series (as opposed to TNG), but only because I haven't seen a lot of the original episodes. With TNG, on the other hand, I've seen the majority if not all of the episodes multiple times. I still love them to pieces, though, and thoroughly enjoy rewatching them.
I'll keep this post short since I haven't the time to do a proper one at the moment. I just wanted to say hello, let you know I haven't migrated to Mars (yet), or abandoned the blogosphere. Until next time, then!