Saturday, December 13, 2008

So today we got the Christmas tree.  It has yet to make it into the house and be decorated, but it's still here.  We decorated the house with the usual things we've been putting up since the dawn of time: the garland with mittens and hats, the Christmas tree mug, the little Santa, the snowman sled, the Merry Christmas candle holder, etc.  The Christmas music is on.  I think Carol of the Bells and Judy Garland singing Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas are some of my favorites.  And, of course, Little Drummer Boy.  Ah, so many ^_^

My mom used to have this cassette of Nat King Cole singing Christmas songs.  We used to drive around, running errands, and we'd listen to that cassette over and over.  Even when it wasn't Christmastime; the cassette was an all-year affair.  I most vividly remember listening to Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire while driving up Graham Hill, tracing the car upholstery with my fingers.  For some reason, different stretches of road remind me of different songs.  But that's another blog.

Ah, now the tree is in the kitchen!  It looks lovely.

I wonder when we'll get the menorah down.  Probably soon, to touch it up and such.  I do love Hanukkah! (or Hanukah or Chanukah, if you prefer ^_~)

So-- on that note-- I wish you a joyful holiday season, whatever you may celebrate.

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